Who is your Inner Mother?
And why do you need to discover her?

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I call this split the Mother Wound and healing it will be the most profound inner work you ever do. As we heal the Mother Wound, we cultivate an inner mother that can give us the support we’ve longed for, allowing us to become the unstoppable, undaunted women we’re being called to become at this time in history.

In early 2014 Bethany Webster published an article entitled “Why it’s Crucial for Women to Heal the Mother Wound” based on a body of work she had been developing in isolation over the course of 15 years. Overnight, the article went viral as women around the world shared it on social media, discussed it with their friends, and began referencing it in new blogs and podcasts. Since then, Bethany has built a global community of thoughtful women who are committed to ushering in a new, internally-driven era of feminism. \Bethany Webster, Mother Wound expert, is the author of the book entitled: “Discovering the Inner Mother: A Guide to Healing the Mother Wound and Claiming your Power,” that was recently published by William Morrow on January 5th, 2021. Bethany speaks, consults, and mentors around the world, sharing her growing body of work that is raising the standard of women’s leadership and personal development.